Monday 4 June 2007

Kate Hoey at the Zimbabwe rally

A large banner saying ‘Supporting the People of Zimbabwe’ was the backdrop to a rally in Bristol last week.

Held in the centre of town, the area was alive with the sounds of drumming and singing. The Anti-Apartheid Movement together with the Bristol Zimbabwe Association orgnaised the event.

Kate Hoey MP spoke about her involvement in the struggle to get international condemnation of Mugabe and praised the Australian prime minister in his clear decision recently to ban the Australian cricket team from going to Zimbabwe. She compared this with the shilly shallying of our own government and the England Cricket Board in 2003 in refusing to act on the same issue, being unsure of what they should do lest they lose votes and money. She pointed out that sport was an area with a lot of clout and that boycotting international sporting events against Zimbabwe would draw worldwide attention to the tyranny of Mugabe’s regime.

Kate Hoey was followed by the Red Notes Socialist Choir who performed a fine repetoire of South African songs. White balloons were handed to the assembled crowd with messages demanding Mugabe’s departure and free and fair elections.


Zimboy said...

Kate, We Love You - Can you come be President of Zim Once We Sort Out Nasty Old Bob???

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