Tuesday 10 April 2007

May elections are around the corner

Terraced housing in Falmouth

Clear blue skies, warm sun and primroses in the hedges. Cornwall at its best over the Easter weekend. This weather is set to continue for the rest of the week - it's even predicted to get warmer.

I will be out canvassing in Truro, Falmouth, Penryn, St Agnes and various other villages over the rest of this week. It is important that we get a good result on Carrick district council. The Liberal Democrat group have done a good job in getting £20 million under the Decent Home Scheme which upgrades homes ie bathrooms etc in local authority properties.

The issues of affordable homes for young families will be one of the top issues on the political agenda. Most homes in Truro are around the £200,000 mark. Even if two people are working and bringing home £20,000 each this would only equate to a mortgage of £120,000 under the old 3x's earnings rules. The mortgage lenders are now extending the number of years of the mortgage and up to 5x's earnings. It just means that young families are even more in debt for a longer period.

Who is really winning?

If any councillors would like me to help them with some canvassing please let me know. I will be glad to help you.

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