Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Very difficult times

While I was in Singapore my mother was rushed into Treliske hospital having suffered a stroke. Fortunately my brother and sister in law were staying with her. The last two weeks have been a round of visits and updates from the medical staff.

Unfortunately today we have had to come to terms with the fact that mum just isn't going to make it. She just barely responds and only to us - the family. The future would be bleak for her and she was a very independent lady.

What a difficult decision to come to terms with - a bedridden future at best or being allowed to slip away with dignity.

The staff have been fantastic and Mr Battle, my Mum's consultant, has shown great compassion. There may be all sorts of financial trauma surrounding the hospital but the front line staff have all demonstrated warmth, humanity and commitment. Thank you very much.

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

End of another era in the Liberal Democrats

I heard very early in the morning indeed, while visiting my daughter in Singapore, that Ming had resigned. This timing will give his successor a reasonable run up to a General Election and for this we must be thankful.

The good news is that our party has abundant talent who can take on this challenge and move the Liberal Democrats to the forefront of new thinking in the country. Most people are generally not interested in politics and are apathetic. Is this down to the politicians or media reporting? Who knows? But politics is about the art of engaging people with new ideas. Our party can, in my view, afford to be risk takers and innovative. In fact, we must be. We cannot be seen as bland, grey and boring. I want our party to become colourful again.

I look forward to the contest.

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Gordon Brown pulls back General Election

It's Saturday afternoon and instead of forging ahead with a general election it has been called off for the Autumn. So who knows when it will be now? Trouble is the adrenalin is running and we really thought he would go for it.

He really should have made his mind up. I don't think playing these games is a good and we ought to have fixed term parliaments. This would give all political parties the same level playing field. I think many of his own MP's are fed up about it as well.

Mylor grand opening of community hall

Julia Goldsworthy and I visited Mylor on Friday on her travelling surgery. Mylor has a really strong community and this was borne out by the refurbishment of the old village school into a community centre. The whole building is looking great.

The next day, Saturday, I went to the official opening where a time capsule was being hidden in the rafters. The next time any refurbishments are undertaken the children then will see pictures of today's school children and various items that have been enclosed in the box. I hope there are still CD players around in 100 years time or so though.

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Saturday with the Police in Truro

I met up with Sergeant Gavin Barnes at 9pm on Saturday night. The incidents all come in via the computer and various police officers are sent off to attend in order of priority. Clearly this screening of calls is vital. Who knows if a domestic incident could turn into a violent assault or worse?
The police had been busy earlier in the evening due to a fight on Platform 3 at Truro train station. This involved various football supporters from Bath. I hope its not something that will blight us in the future.
I went out with Sergeant Barnes in a police car and we toured around Truro and the outlying area. There was a large congregation of young people at the Matalan car park at Threemilestone. A couple of drivers were pulled over for safety reasons - one a 16 year old on a motorbike with no rear lights.
Following this there was a domestic call out - I accompanied the police to Newquay station where the holding cells are based. The prisoner was held over night due to drunken behavious and assault on a member of his family. Surprisingly, this is very common in Truro.
Truro is a very safe place to live. Most of the incidents stem from too much alcohol. I am saddened by the amount of domestic violence though.